11. June 2024

Suspension bridge Disentis: Construction work started

Another bridge construction project with which we are able to demonstrate our expertise in rope and lightweight structures to small and large spans.

Depuis août 2023, c'est clair : le pont suspendu de Disentis sera construit. Le projet a reçu le permis de construire et le financement est également assuré.

En mars 2024, les travaux de construction des fondations ont commencé de part et d'autre de la vallée. Ces travaux se poursuivent actuellement. Notre équipe d'ingénierie Jakob est en contact avec les responsables sur place afin de garantir une bonne situation de départ pour le montage du pont qui suivra.

Le montage du pont suspendu commencera à la fin du mois d'août 2024. Les travaux à cet effet seront réalisés par Von Rotz & Wiedemar. La construction du pont devrait être terminée d'ici novembre 2024 - selon le planning actuel du maître d'ouvrage responsable.

Notre équipe Jakob Engineering prépare actuellement les bases pour les plans de l'atelier de construction métallique (Huser Stahlbau, Kerns). Nous sommes également en train de préparer le planning pour la fabrication des éléments que nous fournissons.

(November 2022)

Graubünden's longest suspension bridge will soon be built at Disentis/Mustér. With a length of almost 300 meters and a ground distance of 100 meters, the suspension bridge will create a spectacular footpath from Mumpé Medel to Disentis/Mustér across the deep, narrow Rhine gorge here. From a tourist point of view, the suspension bridge will then connect two waypoints of the historic track over the Lukmanierpass.

The ARGE Jakob Rope Systems / Pfeifer / Von Rotz & Wiedemar AG has been awarded the contract for the complete solution of this suspension bridge. The offer includes planning, fabrication and assembly. For Jakob Rope Systems it is another bridge construction project with which we can prove our competence for rope and lightweight structures to small and large spans.

Jakob Rope Systems designed the construction of the suspension bridge and will carry out the construction planning. The construction will fit filigree into the landscape. The bridge structure is formed by six suspension ropes (Ø 45 mm) below the walkway and two suspension ropes at handrail level. Two ropes (Ø 26 mm, Forte) are used for bracing. A bracing structure consisting of stainless steel ropes and connections reduces unwanted swaying during use, absorbs forces in the event of wind action and prevents major deformations.

The steel frame construction of the bridge girder is suspended from the supporting ropes. Our Webnet with a height of 1.30 meters provides the necessary fall protection as a lateral railing infill and additionally carries loads.

We are very much looking forward to working with the «la pendenta» association.

Visualizations: Jakob Rope Systems


Catalog Webnet Bridge References (PDF)

Active and passive protection assets for bridges with Webnet are persuasively timeless in design.

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Brochure Structural measures to ­safeguard buildings (PDF)

Structural security solutions for buildings, bridges, towers, viewing platforms and railway systems.

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